Sir Knight James J. Tracey Assembly 2167
Sir Knight James J. Tracey Assembly was chartered on April 15, 1989 by 45 Fourth Degree charter members from the Port Hope, Cobourg and Bowmanville councils. Our Assembly's first chartered Faithful Navigator was S/K Thomas J. Cousineau. Today, the Sir Knight James J. Tracey Assembly is made up of Sir Knights from the Cobourg and Port Hope councils.
The Sir Knight James J. Tracey Assembly, named after a past Grand Knight (1953-1955) and former District Deputy, Jim Tracey has been involved with the Knights of Columbus for forty years and held many positions including Financial Secretary and also served as Chairman of the Knights of Columbus's 200 Club which raised money for community projects. He was retired from the Department of National Defense, and also served on Cobourg Council in many capacities for 7 years. Jim Tracey was dedicated to the betterment of his town, born in 1905 he passed away at the age of 82 January 8, 1987.
Fr. F. P. Duffy Council 1970 Cobourg, Ontario
St. Joseph's Council 6361 Bowmanville, Ontario
Port Hope Council 6490 Port Hope, Ontario
Our Assembly's Honor Guard is available upon request for qualified events and functions. Please contact Guard Commander S/K Hugh Penney (905) 375-2297 for details and information.