About our Council |
Officers 2010-2011 Worthy Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Chaplain Chancellor Recorder Financial
Secretary Treasurer
Warden Advocate Lecturer Inside Guard ii. Ted Welch
Outside Guard ii. Bob Bonner Trustee (3 Yr.) Trustee (2 Yr.) Trustee (1 Yr.) |
Port Hope Council 6490 was founded on May 7, 1973 through the dedicated efforts of Our Lady of Mercy Pastor Monsignor Leo Cleary, District Deputy Gene Hurtubise and thirty-three charter members. Monsignor Cleary was instrumental in gathering together some of the men to form a council and many of the initial members came from the Cobourg council. The council's first Grand Knight was James J. McNamee who was Grand Knight from 1973-1975. Without a building of its own at the time, the council held their monthly meetings in the church basement, and later at the Greenwood Tower, which was then owned by founding member Daniel D. Dotzko. The current council building, built in 1952, was acquired from the Salvation Army in the fall of 1974. On June 11, 1995 a Mortgage Burning Ceremony was celebrated. Three members of Port Hope Council 6490 have gone on to fill the position of District Deputy for District 48, Brothers Daniel D. Dotzko 1975-77, Richard "Bim" Hills 1978-81 and Edmund Hickey. Also five members have been Faithful Navigators over two Assemblies. Today we are a small council but steadfast in our beliefs and strive to make our world a better place. May 7, 2013 will mark our Council's 40th anniversary in Port Hope.
Our Council Charter
In service to one....
In service to all.
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Port Hope Council #6490